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Is Your Website Hurting Your Recruitment Efforts?

Ella Baker
Is Your Website Hurting Your Recruitment Efforts?
Reading time 4 Mins
Published on Sep 18

Websites are a must in the business world. While your website can help customers find you and help grow your revenue, your online presence can also be the best tool to aid in your recruitment efforts. A well-planned, carefully-curated, and thoughtful site can draw the attention of top talent and help them learn more about your company, whereas a poorly-designed or poorly-maintained site can send job candidates running the other way. Here are 5 ways that your website may be hurting your recruitment efforts.

Outdated and tired

When was the last time you conducted an honest assessment of your website? Does it say that you’re a fresh and exciting company to work for or does it scream that you’re way behind the curve?

Make sure that your website has fresh information and is updated regularly. If your company is active on social media, include an RSS feed on your website to let job seekers get a feel for what your business has to say and what’s important to you.

Additionally, take a few moments to evaluate if your website’s design matches your brand. If you’re a vibrant company with a talented young staff, your website’s design should reflect that energy. If your company places a lot of value on involvement in the community, your volunteer and support efforts should be front and center, not hidden on another page.

Burying the hiring lead

If you’re putting your website to work helping you find the right candidates, make it easy for them to find the jobs you need to fill. Unlike many sites that bury their employment or career sections in a hard-to-find location, companies who understand the power of their website put their job openings right up front.

Show candidates that you’re serious about hiring by creating a clearly labeled Careers, Work for Us, or Jobs section on your homepage. Make sure that you fill your Jobs page with everything that an applicant might need, including a full job description, reviews from current employees, and information about your benefits.

Ignoring mobile

With a growing number of job seekers searching for, viewing, and replying to job postings on a mobile device, having a mobile-friendly, screen-responsive website is no longer optional. Work with your IT team or website designer to make sure that your site makes it easy for applicants to view and apply for jobs from the palm of their hand.

Not showing off your best assets

Job applicants want to know the truth about what it’s like to work for your company, but simple employment stats don’t really convey that message. Instead of just giving your applicants access to basic information, you can use your website to help give your job candidates a glimpse into your company’s culture.

In addition to your job postings, detailed job description, benefits information, and values and mission statements, your careers page should include links to your blog and social media pages to give candidates a better understanding of who your company really is. Additionally, virtual tours, interviews with employees about their experiences with the company, and video from company-sponsored events can go a long way to helping candidates decide if your company is a good fit for them.

Not responsive

Have you ever applied for a job only to get the canned “Thank You for Applying” screen and, maybe, a confirmation email? Did you feel like your application was valued or that the company was truly interested in providing job seekers with a positive experience?

Instead of a boilerplate “thank you” screen or message, use those precious post-application moments to tell candidates more about your company and why they should work for you. You may consider including customer testimonials, recent awards, articles about your company, and even a link to subscribe to your newsletter. This more detailed and genuine interaction opportunity can help you show potential hires how they might fit into your company.

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