Reading time 4 Mins
Published on Aug 25
A regular safety meeting is a crucial component of every businesses’ safety program. These meetings provide management the opportunity to share important information about industry-specific safety precautions, while also allowing employees to share workplace safety concerns or provide safety improvement ideas. A workplace accident can occur any time, anywhere. Providing your employees with the latest information to keep them healthy and safe in the workplace is the top priority for members of your safety team, but coming up with new topics each month can be time-consuming and distract from other tasks. Here are just a few of the hot topics we recommend covering at your next safety meeting.
Accident breakdowns
Accidents happen in every workplace. While the goal of your safety team should be to prevent these incidents, after-accident breakdowns provide a valuable learning opportunity for managers and employees alike.
Using real incidents from your company and others in your industry, talk about close calls or accidents that have occurred since your last safety meeting. Address the specific causes of the incident, including any safety precautions that weren’t followed or those that should be implemented to avoid future incidents. If the accident occurred despite adherence to safety measure, discuss additional steps that can be taken to ensure that incident is not repeated.
See something, say something
Employees on the front lines of your operation are most likely to be the best at identifying potentially hazardous situations or safety concerns. Fostering an atmosphere of open dialogue can help employees feel comfortable reporting these issues to management.
Talk to your employees about how they prefer to report concerns to management. Working with your employees during the safety meeting to develop a reporting method will help you get greater buy-in and engagement. Encourage employees to participate in peer-to-peer feedback on safety behaviors and to own safety mistakes without fear of retribution so that lessons can be learned and changes made to ensure accident reduction.
Fire safety
Fire safety is always a concern for employers, especially those operating in large facilities like manufacturing and warehousing. Fire safety talks should be aimed at preventing injuries, accidents, and potential deaths in the event of a fire.
Be sure all of your employees know where fire extinguishers are located throughout the workplace and provide training on how to use them. Make sure that employees know to report any extinguishers that are past their expiration date or smoke detectors that don’t appear to be working immediately. Additionally, any fire safety topic should cover the emergency evacuation routes for each area of the building, including the location of the evacuation route maps placed throughout the workplace.
Keep it clean
At first glance, housekeeping may not appear to be a likely topic for safety, but cluttered workplaces can lead to serious accidents. A clean and well-organized workplace can prevent many of the most common injuries sustained in the workplace.
Slips, trips, and falls are always on the list of the most common injuries in the workplace. Be sure that your workers know to keep floors clear, clean, and dry at all times to help reduce these accidents. Additionally, stressing the importance of reducing debris, dust, and flammable materials can help prevent fire hazards. Making sure that employees understand the importance of regular cleaning and maintenance of equipment can even reduce the number of injuries sustained from malfunctioning equipment.
Your partner in safety
Keeping your workforce safe is priority one for your company. Sheakley can help you develop better policies and provide assistance with developing safety programs to help you achieve your safety goals. Our experts are here to keep your employees and your business safe. Sheakley’s Workforce Management Services experts provide complete safety resources for your company. Get your free safety consultation today with an expert from Sheakley.